I often get questions from students and clients about how Chinese Face Reading (Mian Xiang) can actually 'help' or be used in our day-to-day living. The quick answer is: in a variety of different ways. Face Reading is a fun and simple exercise, and the only 'material' you need is a face on which to practice! There's a reason why this practice has stood the test of time from the time of the Yellow Emperor in China around 2,500 B.C. - because it has proven results. In the more advanced levels of Face Reading, practitioners don't only read the face, they study the entire physiognomy of a person.
Face Reading, then, can be seen as the 'hidden' or subtle weapon that you can use for your own benefit - anywhere, anytime. For example, consider the modern professional rat race - resumes or curriculum vitae can be altered or 'padded' to greatly exaggerate or improve upon the actual truth. A more effective way of knowing whether you're hiring the right person for the job will be to study the facial characteristics. That way, you know if what they say really tallies with who they really are.
Interpersonal relations at the workplace can also benefit from Face Reading. Dealing with colleagues and playing the game of office politics can be absolutely exhausting and demotivating - making it hard for you to focus on your job and give it your all. But consider how much worthwhile it would be if you knew how to maneuver around your difficult, unpredictable boss - or how to deal with a pushy colleague who demands the world and gives nothing in return. Studying their faces and observing their facial features and traits will give you that edge. You'll feel in control of your relations with others, not be controlled by others!
Even in business dealings and sales and marketing, Face Reading can be invaluable. Does your client need to be persuaded with detailed facts and figures in a quiet coffee shop, or be wined and dined in a fancy restaurant, followed by a rousing karaoke session with 5 or 6 of your colleagues in attendance? Or, for example, if they have big eyes, they probably need to be 'touched' (figuratively speaking, that is!) before they buy. If they have small eyes, then maybe they want to hear about the numbers involved before they say a word. Do they look like they're prepared to buy, and therefore worth your time, or are merely casual observes who are not inclined to commit at this point in time? These are just some of the ways Face Reading comes in handy.
What Face Reading does is provide you with the information on a person's character, and give you pointers on how he or she would like to be approached. For those of us who already do Feng Shui and BaZi consulting, it helps us zoom into the issues our clients are currently facing. Most of the time, it's usually clearly written on the face! Depending on their needs, you will not even have to expend time and energy measuring every sector of their house, or analysing every aspect of their BaZi chart.
There is plenty to be learned from Face Reading. The best way to start is by studying the individual features in Fixed Position Face Reading - the eyes, mouth, nose, and ears, for example - and then 'graduating' to Combination Position Reading. The latter involves taking into account several features or factors of the face for a more in-depth reading. Of course, taking a class in the subject will provide you with invaluable lessons you can use for the rest of your life (quite literally, in fact).
All the best with your practice of Face Reading - but most importantly, have fun!