
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Homebound Feng Shui

This week, let’s look at the immediate and short-term when it comes to Feng Shui. The majority (if not all) of you reading this live in an existing home and are probably not in the midst of searching for another place or looking to build another home in the very near future. So this week, let’s take a closer look at the abode that we’re ALREADY living in and the present effects of our home on our current well-being and endeavours.

Where do we start? In our day-to-day living, the best reference point for the NOW is of course the annual flying stars. If you haven’t already, check what the annual flying star at your main door is and you’ll have a picture of what’s generally in store (well, since Feb 2009 already) for all the occupants in your house this year. For example, if your main door is located in the West this year then you’ll be experiencing bouts of sickness, excessive worrying and over-thinking since Star 2 this year. However, since Star 2 is *also* a wealth star, we can also surmise that there are also increased opportunities for wealth and it’s likely that these opportunities are partly to blame for the less-than-rosy health outlook of your home’s occupants for the year.

As Feng Shui concepts work like layers of an onion, check also what star is visiting your bedroom this year. This will give you additional information that relate only to occupants to that room. Not everyone who lives in the same house will experience the same exact luck, right? Let’s assume your bedroom is happily located in the Southeast sector this year. Hence, the star that has flown into your room is Star 8 which brings increased income that comes from a regular salary. Putting 2 and 8 together (pardon the pun) now gives us 10... and voila, we get the scenario of a good year for generally routine hard-work that results in a slow and steady increase in wealth (and one probably involving new partners/acquaintances). Of course the health issues from having a West main door are still there but we do know that life isn’t perfect, right?

If you work from home either by default or at least partially, then you can add on the effects of the visiting annual star where you do your work as well. Your home business or work will be affected by not just only the annual star at your main door but also but the annual star(s) affecting your home office or area that you work in.

And if all this isn’t enough to quench your Xuan Kong Flying Star thirst, you can also read the effect of the annual stars on the natal flying stars of your home. As usual, don’t fret interpreting ALL the sectors of your home; just focus on the interaction of the annual flying stars with the natal stars of your main door, bedroom, home office/study and perhaps, the kitchen. The annual flying stars are, after all, the triggers to the potential of your home as determined by the fixed, natal flying stars. Lastly, don’t forget that all of these effects (including the effects of the annual stars solely) are of course dependent upon the external forms surrounding your home so do a check on these as well.

What if you don’t like the outlook that you see (especially since it’s midway 2009 already and your experiences this year so far confirm your analysis)? Well, use your “Man (Human) Luck” then! Change main doors if you can - closing up your actual main door and entering through the garden sliding door is an example. Or else, move bedrooms, sleep on the living room sofa, or even swap bedrooms with your maid for the year! Remember, where there’s a will, there’s a way. And in dire circumstances where really nothing can be done within the house, there’s always the option of putting up elsewhere to tide over the year.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Rule of Five in Face Reading

On a deeper level, the art of Mian Xiang (Face Reading) also involves reading a person’s body movements and subconscious behaviour, in addition to studying and interpreting both the obvious and subtle physical facial features and qualities.

Similar to the study of Feng Shui and BaZi, then, there are also ‘Special Structures’ in Mian Xiang that enables us to assess the greater capacity of a person.

There is, for example, the structure known as ‘Five Exposed’ (五露), which indicates a person who is extremely successful, and is able to leave behind a legacy of his/her outstanding success. The ‘Five Exposed’ is characterised by these facial traits:
  • Bulging, protruding eyes
    Shells of the ear ‘reversed’
    Mouth that doesn’t completely close
    Exposed nostrils
    Large Adam Apple that juts out

But what happens if an individual only has FOUR of the five exposed features listed? Then be forewarned: this indicates the potential for a nasty accident. And with only ONE or TWO exposed features? It’s usually a sign of poverty.

Another structure of interest is that of the ‘Five Hidden’ (五藏). (You must be wondering how one’s eyes, ear, mouth, eyebrows, and nose can be hidden!) A person with the ‘Five Hidden’ usually has many hidden talents, great insight and intelligence, and is a skillful strategist. This structure is denoted by these traits:

  • Soft but clear voice
    Hidden feelings and thoughts which others have difficulty discerning
    A piercing gaze
    Deep wisdom
    Internal strength that is not known by others
Know of anyone who fits into either one of the above-mentioned structures?

Back to Mian Xiang Basics

If fancy-schmancy terms are not your thing, there is always one reliable way to assess a person’s luck - through the eyes. When the eyes are clear, bright, and lively, the person’s luck cannot be bad. And if you match that with a face that appears bright, clear and radiant - that person is experiencing some very good event in his or her life.

Like all Metaphysics subjects, practice makes perfect. Do not be fooled by your friend’s smiling face - if the eyes are lackluster and lacking spirit, with a hint of red veins, combined with a dull complexion lacking a healthy glow - something’s not quite right.

On the other hand, once at a coffee shop I spotted a friend of mine walking into the shop. His face seemed to glow like an angel’s, even from the slight distance. "What did you just do," I asked later. "You’re glowing!"

He smiled. "Just closed a deal, my friend. Many zeroes worth."

Oh well.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What's Spirituality Got To Do with BaZi ?

Due to the nature of the subject, BaZi practitioners are sometimes viewed as having extra "powers," with some being viewed as being spiritual, and perhaps, more enlightened than your average Joe or Jane. After all, BaZi practitioners are able to decipher the personal characteristics, the best direction in life based on inherent skills, strengths and weaknesses while taking into account the personal fulfillment of the person whose chart is being read, as well - all this with just the date and time of birth of the said person! In addition, with accurate information on the client and his/her present circumstances, choices and upcoming decisions, a competent BaZi practitioner is also able to accurately foretell the sequence of things to come in the future.

It’s no wonder then that the BaZi practitioner is commonly seen as having extra-sensory powers or divine guidance from the spiritual realm. As BaZi deals with a person’s life and "luck" of the individual in question, it’s no wonder that the field is often misunderstood as something mysterious and related to the divine. As a result, some people who might be curious in getting a reading or in picking up the study of BaZi (or other Chinese Metaphysics subject, really) might be wary of the seemingly religious or spiritual overtones of the subject.

However, are BaZi practitioners *really* a spiritual lot?

Truth be told, BaZi is a technical study just like any other academic subject. The difference is of course the subject nature itself - in this case, the study is on the individual’s destiny, personal characteristics, surrounding circumstances and thus, possible life path. BaZi really is an extremely practical study. It deals with the earthly existence and circumstances of the individual with no sole reference to religious or spiritual aspects whatsoever. Practitioners would know that seemingly unrelated aspects of life such as education, gut instincts and well-being can be grouped under the "Resource" category-the same category that medicine, religion, metaphysics and spirituality belong to! From a BaZi perspective, these are all different aspects of life which serve the same purpose for a particular Day Master.

A BaZi analysis CAN of course reveal the depth of spirituality of the person in question, but this is just like any revelation of one’s other life aspects such as nature of romantic relationships, method of wealth accumulation, inherent skills etc. We wouldn’t label BaZi a tool for solely any of these aspects (eg. career guide, relationship guide, health report), would we? Why then should BaZi be considered a religious tool or study?

BaZi, in fact, deals with the nitty-gritty of life

Of course, studying something as vast and powerful as BaZi will usually raise awareness of the awe of the universe. After all, BaZi deals with one’s life and destiny, and through studying and understanding the subject, often one can’t help but ponder over WHO or WHAT is the ultimate force that metes out each and every BaZi chart and as such, each individual’s destiny on earth. Metaphysical studies *can* sometimes lead to an awakening of one’s spirituality in cases where religion or spirituality had never been at the forefront of one’s psyche before (and for people who are already religious or spiritual, perhaps BaZi studies would further reinforce their faith or personal belief).

However, the fact remains that on its own and at its purest (some practitioners DO tend to mix everything together-a whole other story altogether), BaZi is an extremely practical science based on the logical understanding of the influence of planetary positions and configurations of the universe. The insights, guidance and information revealed by the applications of BaZi are very "real", practical, often priceless and completely devoid of any specific religious or direct spiritual association.